Bedroom Feng Shui and Crystals for Love and Romance

Bedroom Feng Shui and Crystals | Empath Heart

Dreaming of a blissful bedroom space? Use bedroom feng shui and crystals to create an inspiring, romantic sanctuary just for you and your sweetheart.

Romance isn’t only about how we treat each other or the things we do together. We can also enhance romance through our surroundings (especially the areas in the home that are set apart as “couples’ space”).

Naturally, the bedroom is the most romantic place in the home. Applying the art of feng shui and thoughtfully placing crystals in the bedroom can help to rekindle warmth and passion in your relationship.

Your bedroom feng shui impacts your love life in two important ways:  layout of the bedroom and colors in the bedroom.

With both feng shui aspects covered with a powerful intent and by adding healing crystals, you may see positive changes in your love life.

Feng Shui Your Bedroom Layout

Here are some simple, impactful ways to feng shui your bedroom layout.

Invest in a solid headboard

Only when you are safe and stable can you embrace the light of love. Having a well-built headboard gives you the sense of security you need to get a good night's sleep, as well as a stable love life.

And research shows that poor sleep quality can impair mental and physical well-being (including a diminished desire for intimacy).

Place your bed properly

There are many important feng shui rules regarding the location of the bedroom bed.

Your bed should be in a commanding position so you can see the bedroom door even if you are not directly in front of it. By doing so, you will strengthen your position in your relationship.

Sleeping under a window is not a good idea. If you are in this position, your love relationship may feel uncertain and volatile.

More about bedroom feng shui and crystals

Looking to learn more about feng shui and crystals? Visit our Crystals for Feng Shui and Feng Shui Crystal Placement pages.

Your bed should not be placed in a corner because this can make you or your sweetheart feel trapped. Make sure the bed is placed properly so each of you can get on and off the bed without having to climb over one another. This reduces disruptions when getting in and out of bed, creating a comfortable space and reducing conflict in your relationship.

Ensure bedside furniture is symmetrical

Having the same type of furniture on both sides of the bed promotes feelings of equality and partnership. There should be no “better” side of the bed. This promotes the feeling that both partners have equal rights and duties in the relationship.

Remove mirrors facing the bed

Mirrors facing the bed tend to draw the energy of a third person into your intimate relationship.

No additional rooms in the bedroom

Avoid adding additional rooms, such as a living space with a sofa or bed, a mobile closet, or anything divided by a sliding door or a divider. These additions might invite disloyalty into your relationship.

Feng Shui Your Bedroom Colors

Another meaningful, beautiful way to apply the art of feng shui in your bedroom is through use of color.

Receive love by going pink

Pink represents nurturing, softness, and femininity. According to the feng shui bagua map, it is connected to the Kun area, which deals with relationships. The Kun represents receptivity, as well as partnerships and romance. Whether you want to become more comfortable receiving or create softness in an existing relationship, pink is a great color to work with.

A lovely, beneficial way to add some pink to your bedroom is with healing crystals. To help shift the energy in the space to love and romance, adorn your bedroom with pink crystals such as rose quartz, pink tourmaline, rhodochrosite, morganite, and roselite.

Bring simplicity with white

Bedroom Feng Shui and Crystals | Empath Heart

When your relationship is feeling unnecessarily complicated, go for white. This color represents purity, simplicity, and a fresh start. An overly harsh white, however, may elicit insensitive openness in a relationship. That's why off-whites and ivories include a softer and more relaxing way to incorporate white in a way that promotes a healthy and complication-free relationship.

To nurture gentle feelings of peace, ease, and acceptance, incorporate some exquisite white crystals, such as white calcite or white opal.

Invoke balance with earthy colors

Feng shui suggests using earth colors such as yellow, brown, and orange to ground, stabilize, and nourish you if you are feeling insecure in your relationship. Colors like these are fantastic for a bedroom, especially when you feel ungrounded.

For a better sense of stability in your love life, you should use an earth color rug on the bedroom floor.

Also, if you want to create a stable, nurturing environment in your bedroom, consider a yellow rug for a grounding, cheerful touch.

Place earthy-colored crystals like smoky quartz, carnelian, and yellow agate in your bedroom to feel more balanced and positive and encourage intimacy with your sweetheart.

Infuse wisdom with black

Making the wrong relationship decisions? Try using black as an accent. When it comes to your love life, the color black can bring wisdom and help you make wise decisions.

Try placing a piece of darkest smoky quartz under each corner of your bed for a smart use of black in your bedroom. In addition to creating a grid of protection, this remedy also dispels any negative energy.

When you need support to create a healthy relationship, consider adding grey to your bedroom's accents. You can use it in a throw pillow or artwork.

Use artwork that portrays love

Artwork is a great way to brighten up your bedroom with colors of love. It can be anything from a painting to other types of home décor so you can create a romantic atmosphere in your bedroom.

Spend some time with your sweetheart creating a lovely, impactful crystal grid to enhance romance in your bedroom.

Feng shui artworks depicting a pair of Mandarin Ducks are the most common, most used, and most well-known traditional remedies for love. However, it is best if you select the artwork that most speaks to you.

When adding pictures, remember that keeping family photos in the bedroom is not recommended for romance. You definitely do not want a family member staring at your face when you are in bed with your honey!

Rekindle love with orange or red

To inspire and add spark to your love life, you may want to use orange or red in your bedroom as accent colors. Colorful energy will enliven a relationship by bringing warmth and passion to it.

An older married couple may benefit more from this bedroom feng shui remedy.

| Related:  Crystals for Love and Marriage

You’ll love cinnabar, ruby, and red jasper crystals for adding some colorful, romantic energy to your bedroom.

These are some ways to cultivate love, partnership, and harmony with bedroom feng shui and crystals. Keep in mind, you don’t need to follow all of this advice or clutter your bedroom with colorful items. Choose what makes you feel happy, relaxed, and loved. The intention of receiving love is the most powerful force that will drive your feng shui efforts in the right direction.

Bedroom Feng Shui and Crystals | Empath Heart

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