Crystals for Feng Shui - Infuse Your Space with Harmony and Tranquility

Crystals and Feng Shui | Empath Heart

Using crystals for feng shui is a simple but impactful way to enhance harmony and energy flow at home and work.

Feng shui is the ancient practice of arranging your living space to create peace, balance, and harmony. By considering certain energetic properties of your home and belongings, feng shui helps you harness energies for specific uses.

Crystals, with their unique energetic alignments, are a lovely, powerful way to enhance feng shui in your home and workspace.

You’ll love exploring the meaningful relationship between crystals and feng shui and how some of our most treasured crystals can foster an energetically balanced environment.

The Essence of Feng Shui

As far back as 5,000 BC, feng shui was used to determine a favorable orientation for buildings based on the area's natural landmarks.

Feng shui uses the "bagua," a tool that helps the practitioner map out various energies in the home. This tool can tell you where to focus on or avoid placing certain objects in the most helpful way possible.

Feng shui emphasizes the significance of five elements:  wood, fire, earth, metal, and water. Each element corresponds to specific qualities that can be accessed for several purposes. These elements interact with one another, either in a beneficial or undesirable cycle, impacting the energy of a space.

Enhancing Feng Shui Energies with Crystals

Crystals, which are known and treasured for their unique frequencies, can be powerful tools to improve the energy of a space in alignment with feng shui principles.

By understanding the specific uses of crystals, you can place them in the areas of your home that best align with their energy, encouraging balance and harmony.

Here are some healing crystals that align beautifully with feng shui.


Amethyst is a beloved crystal that comes in many blissful shades of purple. It's known to balance our physical, mental, and emotional states. It’s a wonderful stone for calming anxieties and easing the mind.

Placing amethyst in areas like the bedroom, your meditation space, or even the bathroom can nurture a sense of peace and tranquility. However, it's advisable to avoid using amethyst in places where high energy and focus are needed, such as the office.

Also, be sure you don’t place amethyst in an area with too much sunlight, which may cause the stone to fade and lose its vibrancy.

Crystals and Feng Shui | Empath Heart


Citrine is a vibrant golden stone often used to enhance abundance and manifestation. This stone uplifts your energy while transmuting any negative influences into positive ones.

Place citrine in your office if you're looking to manifest success and abundance in your business. And, if you have a home gym or workout area, keep some citrine there to promote good health and physical strength.

Remember, it's best to keep citrine away from spaces meant for rest, like the bedroom. This high-energy stone can interfere with sleep and relaxation.

Clear Quartz

Clear quartz, often called the "master healer," is so versatile and adaptable. You can charge this stone in harmony with any of your desires, but it's especially excellent for intentions regarding wellness and rejuvenation.

Because it's so versatile, clear quartz is great for any part of your home, depending on your needs. Placing clear quartz in the kitchen can infuse your foodstuffs with energy that promotes good health and well-being. Additionally, this crystal’s calming properties make it a valuable addition to the bedroom, nurturing your body as you sleep.

Rose Quartz

More about Crystals for Feng Shui

Fascinated by crystals for feng shui? You may also love to learn more about crystal placement in feng shui and how to feng shui your bedroom with crystals.

Rose quartz is the embodiment of love and compassion. This stone helps with nurturing relationships and cultivating a sense of self-love. Placing rose quartz in the bedroom can foster a deeper connection with your romantic partner.

This stone's impact extends beyond romantic relationships... It can also strengthen platonic and familial bonds – place in communal spaces where you gather with your loved ones to create a sweet and supportive bond.

Black Tourmaline

Black tourmaline, a protective and grounding crystal, helps guard against negative energies. As a grounding stone, it can support you in overcoming anxiety or when you feel energetically unbalanced.

Placing black tourmaline at your front door helps ward off negativity while cleansing anyone who walks into your space. However, its powerful energy isn't recommended for places where you need to relax, like your bedroom.

Understanding the connection between crystals and feng shui can be a beautifully effective way to create an energetically balanced and harmonious living space. Want to learn more about supporting your goals and well-being in alignment with crystals and feng shui? Learn more here about the energetics of your home based on feng shui principles. Using this information, you’ll be able to use crystals to enhance positive energy, create a peaceful flow, and support your goals and desires.

What are your favorite crystals for feng shui? We’d love to hear!

Crystals and Feng Shui | Empath Heart

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